Elcom is proud to announce its recent contract win for the Ulster Independent Clinic, a private healthcare provider with over 40 years of experience in private healthcare. The contract is for Elcom’s bespoke Inventory Management solution, to be implemented in three phases by this December.

The Ulster Independent Clinic boasts over 300 consultant specialists available for private consultations and offers private appointments to patients six days a week in a purpose-built state-of-the-art surgical complex comprised of eight theatres. They also offer dedicated facilities for children, 60+ private en-suite patient rooms, and a comprehensive range of in and outpatient services including physiotherapy, MRI scanning, and X-rays.

The clinic was looking for effective solutions to a myriad of inventory management issues that were plaguing their workplace efficiency. Facing lengthy manual processes for replenishing pharmacy stock as well as the wastage of large amounts of pharmacy products past expiry, they turned to Elcom to better understand the relationship between patient-level costs and profitability, replace inefficient manual processes with a secure and reliable inventory management system, and develop their understanding of procedure level costing across the consultant base to minimise the variation in items used for the purposes of simplifying procurement and securing better prices.

Elcom secured the contract by introducing the Ulster Independent Clinic to their unique Inventory Management solution, demonstrating how their Inventory Management solution solves all of the clinic’s problems while minimising risk, maximising efficiency and saving money. The company’s bespoke stock management system supports GS1 and proprietary barcodes and tracks stock locations to reduce waste and automate stock replenishment tasks. Patient-level costing, including exact time recording and procedure level costing, increases visibility and enables procurement specialists to make smarter decisions at every level.

At the same time, their Inventory Management system supports waste reduction and cost savings by enabling the clinic to reduce the amount of stock they hold and improving process efficiency, which in turn results in better use of staff time. Elcom’s bespoke system offers all of this while at the same time protecting patient safety with paperless WHO checklists and automated product recalls.

Elcom’s VP of Healthcare, Chris Norman, said of the win, “We’re very proud to be teaming up with the Ulster Independent Clinic to deliver our Inventory Management solution over the coming months. We’re confident in our ability to improve inventory management and stock control, streamline workflow, and reduce stock waste while improving the patient experience at the clinic. We look forward to completing the first phase of the project and seeing the results of our work soon.”

This new partnership between Elcom and the Ulster Independent Clinic reflects the trust and respect that both parties have for one another. As well as meeting all of their requirements for inventory management, the clinic chose to partner with Elcom because of their ability to manage Loan Kits, something that few other providers do.

To find out more about Elcom’s Inventory Management solutions, request a demo here or visit https://elcomtest.elcom.com/